I have been working on getting my antennas to where I want them since getting on HF. I believe this will be a continual work in progress. This article will document the status, struggles and success.
(Update 5/1/18)
- Removed Long Wire.
(Update 6/21/17)
- Moved Vertical see article here.
(Update 5/13/17)
- Removed 40M Dipole and re-installed Long Wire for local net use.
(Update 1/1/2017)
- After working with the 40M Dipole for a while it does not appear to work very well for DX. Probably not high enough. The rule of thumb is, for a nice low take off angle you need to be 1/4 wave length or higher.
- The K4KIO Hexbeam is AMAZING!!!!
- The OCF Dipole is an OK general purpose antenna and works well enough for NVIS on 75/80.
- The Vertical is still very low noise, but does not work every well as a transmit antenna. Not enough radials.
- 18.5 Ft to Peak of Gable
- 14 Ft to Facia Board on N Side
- Side 324 degrees
- Front 54 degrees
- Evergreen Row 300 degrees
K4KIO Hex Beam (Red Hexagon)

- 20m – 6m (Also Works on 2m)
- 20m Elements at 25’ High
- Test Results Rig Expert AA-30 and AA-600

OCFD (Blue)
- 22.5’/44.5’ w/ 4:1 Balun
- Center at 15’ High
- Short Leg is heading 210 degrees w/ End at 8’ High
- Long Leg is heading 75 degrees w/ End at 8’ High
- This antenna will be mainly used for 40m maybe some 75/80m work
- Test Results Rig Expert AA-30
33’ Vertical w/ 22 Radials (White Circle)
- Test Results Rig Expert AA-30
40M Dipole (Yellow) – Removed 5/12/17
- Put Up for DX
- Balun @ 23.5′ High
- Test Results Rig Expert AA-30
Long Wire (Purple) Removed 5/1/18
- 84’ Long w/ 9:1 Unun
- Unun is 23.5’ High
- Heading 330 degrees w/ End at 10’ High
- Works very well on 75m for NVIS
- Test Results Rig Expert AA-30