Let’s start on the inside.
Below are photos of the Head, Mic and Body. The head was mounted to the footman’s loop using a Strike Force Zebra mount. The mic is mounted using a Cool Tech LLC Versa Mount 2. The radio body is mounted to a piece of 3″ x 3″ aluminum angle using 2 of the hardtop bolts.

Now for the antennas.
On the front is the Yaesu ATAS 120A mounted using a Diamond Antenna CRM This will be used for 6m – 160m. Next for 2m/70cm is a Comet SBB2 NMO with a Diamond Antenna C101NMO mounted to a 5″ x 5″ piece of flat aluminum. This is mounted inside to protect from trees and brush while offroad and not affected by the fiberglass hardtop. Last is the Larsen 11m antenna that is used with a CB radio when required by the offroad event. This is currently tuned for 10m, also I have 75m MFJ antenna on the way.

Last is the power. I am not sure why I waited so long to start using Anderson Powerpoles.